
There are 4601 restaurants

Budapest restaurants

There are 4601 restaurants
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Terv Presszó
81/100 (654 ratings)
"amazing place! can't recommend enough! if you are in Budapest and want a nice service (you won't find that much around here), good priced drinks and..."
Renan Petersen-Wagner
"Such a nice place! And the garlic soup was to die for! If we ever come back to Budapest we will return to Terv..."
Nicklaz Duncanson Höst
"Brilliant bar, lovely staff, food & beer, highly recommended..."
Hugh McGarvey
"Delicious food, chilled atmosphere and great value for money! Definitely..."
Olivia Demetriades
"Mycket pittoreskt ställe som verkar populärt hos lokalbefolkningen. Frågade efter Mojito, som inte fanns på menyn. Servitrisen fixade ändå och..."
Lena Axelsson Fd Ivarsson
"Nice atmosphere, great beer and..."
Kristina Pošíková Karabova
"Higly recommended! Very friendly stuff , delicious food (especially the goulash soup) and the prices very reasonable!! You made our trip... tasty!!..."
Dimitra Gavala
"Nagyon családias hely, a személyzet kedves barátságos. Ajánlom..."
Goldmann Viktor
"A very welcoming bar with unique decor and extremely friendly staff. Thank you Blanka and Anna for making our visit to Budapest so..."
Shirley West
"Capitati per caso, dopo che nella precedente scelta, non avendo prenotato, ci hanno detto che era pieno. Abbiamo avuto fortuna, posto molto carino,..."
Giusy Loss
"Die beste Gulaschsuppe,sehr nettes..."
Andreea Eichinger
"Food excellent, service excellent, recommended..."
Sally Bray
Alabardos Restaurant
89/100 (649 ratings)
Vegán opciók
Gluténmentes lehetőségek
Vegán opciók
Gluténmentes lehetőségek
"Todella hieno paikka, erityisen hyvää palvelua ja ruokalajit olivat kuin pieniä elämyksiä. Viinit oli istutettu ruokiin myös hienosti...."
Pauli Eskola
"From the moment you enter you are made to feel welcome. Warm and friendly but attentive staff. Extremely knowledgable wine waiter is on hand to help..."
Sharon Thorne
"Az Alabárdos étteremben eltöltött kellemes esténk egy igazi "meglepetéssel" is szolgált. Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy egy fehérrépából..."
Brigitta Nagy
"The ambiance, food, staff and all the stars collided to provide us and our friends a most excellent and memory filled dining experience. Magica. The..."
Elizabeth Kane
"Fantastic food and very attentive, informative staff. Great location. Highly..."
Michelle Holroyd
"Kedves és professzionális kiszolgálás, finom ételek, remek..."
Szabolcs Barotfi
"The food was exceptional & the service even..."
George Freezer
"Good food and nice staff. Good..."
Hideo Shimizu
"Fantastic and delicious dinner! Very good service. We enjoyed..."
Emmi Paananen
"Had a wonderful meal AGAIN here. Had been last year with work colleagues and went with a friend last night. It was full but the wonderful manager fit..."
Pat Connolly
Anna Alexandridi
"excelente restaurant cerca de la catedrals de san matias, en la zona del..."
Carlos Enrique Tommasini
"Mycket gott och bra..."
Marie Loreman
"One of Hungary's best restaurants with exquisite food and unique surroundings like medieval music, armor, linen and many..."
Balázs Pauli
Govinda Budapest
80/100 (647 ratings)
Vegán opciók
Gluténmentes lehetőségek
Vegán opciók
Gluténmentes lehetőségek
Késő éjszakai
"Very good vegetarian and vegan place, certainly recommended for those who find atmosphere in which the food is cooked important. Regardless if you..."
Anna Lanis
"Finom ételek, mosolygós arcok, szívet melengető előadások és mantraéneklős bulik. Szerintem kivételes hely a városban, feltétlenül..."
Viktória Wittmann
"Sziasztok 😊 esetleg Budán 12 v 2 kerület környékén nem terveztek egyet ? 😉😊 Isteni..."
Móré Mariann
"Az egyik kedvenc helyünk a férjemmel, nagyon finom ételek és kedves felszolgálok, csak ajànlani..."
Szadai-Rácz Ildikó
"Nagyon kedves a kiszolgálás ☺️ ha valaki szereti az indiai ízeket mindenképp ajánlom mert itt az egyik legjobb..."
Abhisārikā Devī Dāsī
"annyira jó, hogy ennyi lélekemelő-színes programmal vár bennünket a belváros szívében egy ilyen családias hangulatú étterem..."
Eva Kanto
"nagyon nagyon finom volt az étel, emberesen gyömbéres a limonádé, pont, ahogy szeretem. A személyzet is mind az étteremben, mind a shopban..."
Pataki Kinga
"Csodás a kiszolgálás, és első osztályú a prasadam (étel)!..."
Evelyn Lakatos
"Nagyon finomak az ételek, ahhoz képest pedig barátságosak az árak, kedvesek és készségesek az ott dolgozó emberek és mindig változatos a..."
Dániel Szabadkai
"Annak ellenere, hogy vegetarianus etterem imadtam hogy bementunk es egy etelen kivul minden vegan volt :) egyebkent a sabji amit ettem a legfinomabb..."
Gabriella Kovács
Lucky 7 Burgers & More
86/100 (5696 ratings)
Street Food
Késő éjszakai
Sült krumpli
"A great place to eat (not only for burger lovers). During our stay in Budapest we came twice as the food was delicious, the restaurant very nice and..."
Dominika Vojtekova
"I certainly would come back to this place, service was beyond expected, I read previous reviews about how great the staff is, but it went beyond, and..."
Rosina Corleone
"Κατά την γνώμη μου το πιο ωραίο burger στην Βουδαπέστη!!! Πρέπει να πάτε οπωσδήποτε. In..."
Κωνσταντίνος Καράτερζης
"I really enjoyed food there. And the personnel is extremely helpful and kind. I strongly recommend that..."
Eua Pitsi
"The food is delicious and comes out really fast!! Service is impeccable. We love this place. We’ve eaten there multiple times!! Sad to have to..."
Cindy Haugen
"The best burger and the best staff in Budapest, thank you Mikky �� from fountine of love choir from Jordan...... with love..."
Ola Issa Eweida
"The place where you always return. Quality. Kindness. Fresh and fast food. Excellent service. Good music. The perfect amount of everything. Thank You..."
Buba Ljubica
"Everything was perfect! Best burgers in Budapest! Very kind and friendly staff! Goes out if his way to make sure you have a very enjoyable..."
Nateic Ma
"Best burger place in town!�you will find not only great food, but also very very nice stuff!I highly..."
Laura Penescu
"Excellent burgers and service. I have seen the staff serve hot thee for the people waiting outside to get in. Treating customers like this is Always..."
Bart van der Dong
"Great place to have a burger in Budapest. Lucky 7 burger with onion rings hot the..."
Derek Wong
"I was there last night with my friends, and it was great, really! Fast, nice, and extremely good. The service was the best..."
Chiara Vannini
"I went with two friends and we had a great dinner. The burger was very tasty and the service was fantastic. The staff was super nice. Highly..."
Francesca Lazzari
"Ganz toller Laden in Budapest:) Essen war klasse und top freundliche Bedienung. Wir haben uns sehr wohl gefühlt und kommen beim nächsten Urlaub..."
Antje Kakoschky
"He probado cientos de hamburguesas en mis viajes y la Lucky 7 esta dentro de las top 3, no se la pierdan si van a Budapest, además de un servicio..."
Peter Yuric
"Great drink, burgers and friendly staff! Very affordable. One of our favorite eats while in..."
Eloisa Perez
"Great service, great food, neat and clean, I really enjoyed my time here, highly recommend..."
Alejandro Enrique Gonzalez Valdez
"Amazing burger restaurant, friendly owner and staff! Thank you..."
Karolina Hejzlarova
"Excelente, probamos la zombie burguer y fue increíble ! 100% recomendado. La mejor hamburguesa de la ciudad. El servicio es muy bueno, nos..."
Agustina Diaz Quiroga
"Vilagbajnok! Csak ajanlani tudom! Fanzasztikus kiszolgalas. Embertelen jo hambik! Koszonom a lehetoseget! Csak ajanlom..."
Norbert Béki
"Everything was good. Lovely Staff. The service was very fast! Good and delicious sandwiches. I RECOMMEND IT! A lovely place where eat at..."
Gennaro Aprea
"L'hamburger più buono che ho mangiato a Budapest. Carne ottima cosi come le patatine e le salse. Personale gentilissimo e disponibile. Ottimo..."
Valentina Salatino
"Finom burgerek, nagy adagokkal, kedves, figyelmes kiszolgálás :) csak ajánlani tudom..."
Zsuzsa Geisslerné Lentsch
"Great service and food. If you search a nice, cozy, afordable place to eat, give 7 Lucky Burgers a try. Also check Trip Advisor to see tourists..."
Jasmina Precup
"Ottimo cibo con prezzi ragionevoli. Titolare disponibilissimo come pure i..."
Emanuela Borzì
"The best food, drinks and service!..."
Breda Lever
"A kiszolgálás tökéletes � Ritka, hogy ennyire figyelmesek az emberrel �Az étel is isteni. Csak jót tudok a helyről írni! Bárcsak több..."
Farnek-Nagy Klaudia
"מסעדה מצויינת, מחיר סביר, נקי ומסודר שרות..."
Ami Rachel Mizrahe
"Complimenti davvero ! Tutto ottimo!!! Il lucky 7 una vera di goduria!! � Rapporto qualità prezzo..."
Domenico Leonetti